6 mistakes aspirants make regarding UPSC mock tests

mistake upsc aspirants make

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We are 100% sure that you are attempting UPSC mock tests and practicing in those areas. Then be aware! Are you making these 6 mistakes regarding the UPSC mock tests? These mistakes will make you successful or get you failed in the UPSC exam.  

Let’s discuss something simple first. UPSC test series are mock tests that are generally model tests that are questions designed in the same way as the real test. The UPSC mock tests are designed in such a way that they should remodel the original test and the test environment. These mock tests can help students get all the understanding related to the real UPSC exam. 

6 major mistakes that UPSC students do, that can waste your time and you are working in the wrong direction  & also how Exampay mock tests will help you in preparation for UPSC. Let’s start:

1. Choosing the wrong mock test or not choosing any mock test:

  • This is a major issue. Most of the students spend a lot of money and time on direct classroom or indirect classroom coaching. That’s actually good. But, these coaching centers will not guide you practically for the main UPSC exam. 
  • These coaching centers will help you prepare for the whole syllabus, but not for the real UPSC exam. Thus, when you sit in the UPSC exam, you will fail, as you know nothing about time management and how much time to give to each section. 
  • Now, they start thinking about practicing for the UPSC Mock test. Even if they think about the mock tests, those are pirated offline mock tests, which are years old. They prepare for those tests and then they fail. Exampay comes here for your rescue with the best online mock test papers with the most advanced and up-to-date course and current affairs.
  • A mock test should be a copy of a real UPSC test, that can help you give the exact environment for the UPSC final exam. You can take our mock tests, which are designed to give the most real way of preparing for UPSC.
  • Some bad mock test papers are filled with extremely hard questions. On the other hand, a UPSC exam is designed by including Simple, tough and easy questions. 
  • A good Online UPSC mock test is designed according to the correct syllabus, like the one of Exampay, as we work really hard to provide you the best

2. Think about how much time you are taking:

  • Some UPSC aspirants start revising and learning everything from the UPSC mock test as if they are learning or reading from a book. That’s not how you should attempt the test. A mock test is designed to be attempted in a time-bound manner.
  • You should think about the time. How much time you are taking to solve all the questions? You should practice all UPSC test series in a perfect time-bound strategy. Think about every question and your solving ability.
  • When you are solving the questions as fast as possible and end the test before the given time so that they can recheck the questions or attempt the questions that were left before. We at Exampay always recommend that you, don’t spend time on a question if you are not able to solve it now, come back to it later.

3. You need revisions:

  • Our human memory is weaker than we think. We constantly forget things. The UPSC mock tests are no different when we practice on them. We need to learn these questions again and again. Come back to Exampay mock test papers again and again and solve them again and again to really learn them.
  • You don’t need to learn these questions by heart, but you need to go back to these questions to really learn the basics and time management.
  • This practice will help you in managing time on every question. As you get more efficient in solving that question. 
  • Revising that question will also help you in solving the question much more quickly. 

4. Self-analysis is extremely important

  • You bought the right UPSC test series, working on your time management and learning and re-learning the questions. You think you are ready, right? You appeared for the main UPSC exam and you failed. You wasted an attempt. So, what got wrong? Well, you did not analyze the questions and what went wrong. 
  • Work on your weak and strong points. In all online UPSC mock test series, you get a full report and grades according to your performance.
  • In a mock test online at UPSC, you can get the full performance report of your test, including all the subjects like polity, science, or economics. 
  • These performance metrics are presented to you so that you can really judge your situation if you are getting better or worse. Use these performance data to get better.
  • You can even enroll in a free online UPSC mock test to analyze your preparation.

5. Difficult generally doesn’t mean better

  • Some coaching institutes or mock test paper makers think that, if we make the UPSC mock test questions too hard and tough for our students, the students will think, we have the best material and we are the best provider of mock test paper. This is an extremely wrong strong strategy and not only wastes the time and energy of students but also moves these students in the wrong direction. 
  • You should not look at the difficulty of the questions, as a great and best model test paper. Rather, you should judge the mock test paper based on the relevance of the questions according to the UPSC standards. At Exampay we make sure that you get questions in the Exampay mock test papers that are relevant and according to the syllabus of UPSC and help you to train according to it.

6. Practicing the mock test on the last day

  • Most aspirants put all their energy and time into all the subjects, reading and practicing. They think that, if we just practice on subjects, General knowledge, and study material, we can easily qualify for the UPSC exam.
  • On the last day before the exam, they think of trying some mock tests and practicing these online UPSC mock test questions. 
  • As soon as they open mock tests, they get fearful and stressed. The mock tests are completely different than they thought. They lose confidence and start to panic. 
  • somewhere mock tests are a must for the UPSC Aspirants

As soon as you start studying for your UPSC preparation, start preparing for the UPSC mock test as well. Don’t wait for the last day. Start your preparation now. Be early and you will be ready when the exam comes. You will not panic, seeing the structure of the exam. Exampay recommends that you start preparing for our mock test as early as you start preparing for the UPSC test, otherwise it will be of no use.


Just remember these tips and focus on your UPSC test series mock test questions. We at Exampay provide the best UPSC mock test questions so that it can help you really prepare your best. Buy the best from Eampay. 

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