Railway Exams Syllabus and Exam Pattern | RRB Exam | Exampay

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The RRB conducts hiring for a variety of positions in various Indian Railway departments. The Non-Technical Popular Categories (RRB NTPC), Junior Engineer (RRB JE), Assistant Loco Pilot (RRB ALP), and RRB Group D positions are all filled through a variety of exams administered by Railway Recruitment Boards (RRBs). Examinees are advised to familiarise themselves with the railway syllabus before taking any of the RRBs’ various exams.

Along with the notification, RRBs also released the course materials for various railway exams. The complete exam schedule is provided on each notification by the Railway Recruitment Board. There are sections, topics, and subtopics on the syllabus for the railway exam from which questions will be drawn.

The railway exam is conducted for a variety of posts, each with a unique syllabus. Due to the fact that questions are based on material covered in the railway syllabus, candidates should prepare accordingly. This article also includes the RRB exam schedule for the JE, Group D, NTPC, and ALP exams. Candidates can find the comprehensive railway syllabus there.

On the RRB exam syllabus for the RRB online mock test, the following exams will be covered in this article:

  • Popular Non-Technical RRB Category (NTPC) Syllabus
  • Junior Engineer (JE) Syllabus for the RRB
  • Assistant Loco Pilot (ALP) Syllabus for the RRB
  • Syllabus for RRB Group D (RRC Level 1 Syllabus)

The detailed examination syllabus is provided with each notification by the Railway Recruitment Board. Candidates looking for more information should consult the RRB notification.

Syllabus for the RRB

The purpose of the RRB syllabus is to aid recruiters in finding the best candidates—individuals who aren’t just physically fit but also have a comprehensive understanding of their outer world. The Group D, NTPC, JE, and ALP detailed RRB exam syllabus is provided below. Candidates who intend to take any Railway exam can find the necessary information by consulting the RRB Eligibility.

Candidates can consult the page for the bank exam syllabus for a list of topics from the railway syllabus that are covered in both the RRB and bank exams.

Railway RRB Group D Exam Syllabus for 2024

For the seventh CPC pay matrix Level-1 positions such as Helper/Assistant Pointsman, Track Maintainer Grade-IV, and many more in various Indian Railways departments, the RRB Group D exam is held to find qualified candidates. The three stages of selection for the RRB Group D exam are the computer-based test (CBT), Physical Efficiency Test (PET), Document Verification, and Medical Exam.

General science, maths, general reasoning ability, basic understanding, and current events are all topics covered in the RRB Group D CBT curriculum. The test paper contains 100 objective-type, multiple-choice questions in total, as per the RRB Group D exam pattern. The Group D course syllabus is available to candidates below.

Railway Syllabus for the NTPC Exam 2024

To choose candidates for graduate and undergraduate positions in Indian Railways’ various zonal railways and production facilities under the Non-Technical Popular Categories (NTPC), the RRB NTPC exam is held. The first-stage, second-stage, CBAT, typing test, and document verification/medical examination portions of the RRB NTPC exam are all divided into separate CBT stages.

RRB NTPC Syllabus for First and Second-Stage CBTs in 2024

The topics covered by the RRB NTPC syllabus are the same for both the first- and second-stage CBTs. Mathematics, General Intelligence and Reasoning, and General Awareness are just a few of the topics covered in the RRB syllabus for NTPC.

For the CBAT, the RRB NTPC Syllabus

The RRB NTPC CBAT syllabus includes a personality test, an information ordering test, spatial scanning tests, selective attention tests, and intelligence tests. Both Traffic Assistants and Station Masters are subjected to the examination. Several test batteries, each with five to six tests, make up this exam.

Typing Exam: RRB NTPC Syllabus

Senior Clerk Cum Typist, Junior Account Assistant Cum Typist, and Senior Time Keeper Cum Typist positions all require a typing test. The required typing speed for this test is 25 words per minute for Hindi and 30 words per minute for English.

For JE, the 2024 railway syllabus

The RRB JE exam has three stages: CBT Stage 1, CBT Stage 2, and final selection. Document verification and a medical exam are also included in Stage 2. Mathematics, General Reasoning, General Awareness, and General Science are all included in the RRB JE CBT stage 1 syllabus.

Basic computer applications, physics and chemistry, environmental science, technical aptitude, and general awareness are among the topics covered in the CBT Stage 2 syllabus. You can test yourself with the RRB’s online mock test. 

What are the exam topics for the railway?

A: The topics covered in the various posts vary in the railway exam. The three categories of the RRB NTPC are mathematics, general awareness, and general intelligence and reasoning. RRB Group D includes topics like general science, math, general intelligence and reasoning, general awareness, and current affairs.

RRB ALP CBT 1 includes topics like math, general intelligence and reasoning, general science, general awareness, and current affairs. Subjects like math, general intelligence and reasoning, general science and engineering, general awareness, and current events are included in CBT 2.

How do I prepare for the various RRB exams?

Considering that the RRB exams are some of the hardest in the country, applicants are going to have a tough time passing them without a thorough preparation strategy. The RRB exam pattern must be thoroughly understood by candidates, who must take an RRB online mock test before going into great detail about the RRB preparation strategy for the railway exams.

The first step in developing the ideal preparation strategy is gaining a thorough understanding of the syllabus and exam format. Negative marking prevention is an additional element that goes into developing a preparation strategy for the RRB exams. Additionally, it obviously helps to start studying right away.

For the purpose of hiring for various positions, the RRB exam is held. For various positions, the railway exam syllabus differs. Candidates preparing for the various railway exams must stay current on the most recent changes to the exam format and course material. Below are a few pointers and strategies for passing the various RRB exams.

  • Regularly complete RRB practice exams to increase your speed and accuracy.
  • Exam patterns and syllabi for the various exams should be reviewed.
  • Candidates need to regularly review the RRB syllabus.
  • Adhere to a methodical study schedule.
  • Solve the test questions from previous years.


On the basis of the most recent RRB exam pattern, the railway syllabus for the various exams is created. Candidates can learn the subjects for which they should study by reading the syllabus and taking an RRB online mock test. There are some topics on the railway syllabus that apply to bank exams as well as RRB exams. To improve their chances of passing the exams, candidates taking one of the many examinations offered by the Railway Recruitment Board should carefully review both the RRB exam pattern and syllabus.

We have also discussed the UPSC exam pattern and syllabus; you can check that too if you want. In order to succeed in the RRB exam preparation in 2024, candidates must regularly practice the RRB online mock test provided by Exampay.

Since questions are frequently repeated in other RRB examinations, it is advisable to complete previous RRB papers and keep up with the latest information by completing numerous problems on a live platform, such as mock exams. All students must adhere to this preparation advice for the 2024 railway exams.

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