What are the benefits of doing an online mock test series for the UPSC exam?

online mock test series

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Aspirants put in their money, sweat, and extremely hard work in preparation for the UPSC exam. But, all this effort, money, and time will get wasted if you are not putting your effort in the right direction. Best coaching and best teachers and the best experts teach you, but you didn’t solve the UPSC mock test when the time was right. So, what’s the importance of solving a mock test or UPSC test series?

Why are these UPSC mock papers so important and what exactly are UPSC mock tests? Let’s find out, one by one. Plus, why Online UPSC mock tests are better than offline Mock tests, you will get the answer.

What are UPSC mock test papers?


We all know, cracking the UPSC exam is a very difficult task, it takes a lot of practice and extremely hard work, and dedication. If you do all the preparation from the different coaching institutes and study hard, you still need something else. These things are called UPSC mock test papers.

Try to understand this, you are doing all the effort, but if you don’t know how the exam is conducted or what happens in the UPSC exam, and how to solve the question paper, then you are just not ready. You need to know how many sections are there and what plan to use to solve it. Therefore, UPSC mock test papers were introduced, so you get the idea of the best way to prepare for the UPSC exam.

upsc online mock test series

So what are the benefits of doing an online mock test series?

There are many benefits of doing the UPSC series and we can discuss that one by one.

Overcome fear of the UPSC exam:

As we told you, Preparing for UPSC is tough and you stay stressed because of thinking about the syllabus and all the knowledge and learning you have to do just to be ready. This can be extremely difficult for you. You stay in fear of whether you will pass or fail. On the other hand, this fear can even cause nervousness.

Whether you pass the exam or not? The mock tests solve this confusion and what to study and where to focus on. So, these Online Mock tests can help you to be fully confident before the exams.

Online UPSC mock tests boost preparation

When you start preparing for IAS in the UPSC Mock test online you are boosting your preparation by a lot. In addition to your studies, you are devoting your time to solving the best UPSC test series as we have from Exampay, you are getting yourself ready for the best effort that can bring good results.

This is the perfect way to study as you are practising on both sides. Mock tests remind you of the things you read and you can revise and tell, this is how this question can or may come in the main exam.

Different question types:

You devote all your time to reading and learning from books. They can give you the knowledge and necessary learning. You learn all the information. But, have you ever thought about how a question can be formed from this or that line in that book? No. Then you should think about solving the Online mock tests for UPSC. You can start with the UPSC beginner mock test.

Mock tests will give you an idea of how a question can be formed on different topics from a book. This will help you to know how to learn in a new way. This can save a lot of time because you know how a question can be formed from different areas.

Save yourself from uncertainty

UPSC is so surprising and tough sometimes, that it can surprise even the best-prepared ones. The UPSC exam can be a total surprise. This happened in 2016. Generally, the candidates practise more on general knowledge and current affairs. But in 2016, the question paper was the opposite.

The questions were more learning-based and book based. That was a bad year for students, who focussed on general knowledge and current affairs. UPSC Online test questions can solve this issue completely.

As you try and practise on more and more mock tests, you can practise on different types of question papers. You will be ready for any type of question paper in the main exam.

Improve your ranking

Sometimes students know the answer, but when the question in the main exam comes, they can’t write the answer. They come out of the exam centre and complain that they know the answer but cannot solve the question. This can happen when you are stressed or nervous.

To stay away from this situation of nervousness and stress, you need to know the pattern of the question paper and get ready for how the question is formed. You only know that, when you solve the questions when the UPSC mock tests regularly. You can even try UPSC free mock test series  by Exampay

Time Management

This is the most important benefit of any mock test paper. Let us tell you how. Book knowledge is great and you solve the questions from that. But how will you know how much time you are spending on a particular question? How can you monitor that? 

Therefore, you need proper time tracking for a mock test for UPSC, that can do that. We have that at Exampay. A great mock test can help you monitor your time. In the UPSC exam, you cannot spend all the time on one question. You have to be quick and fast in every question.

Why online UPSC mock test?

See, you need to practise based on UPSC’s latest pattern and should know how much time you can spend on every section of the question paper. As the time is up, the question paper automatically closes and submits all your solved questions automatically.

You have to solve questions and think about how much time every question is taking. You need to practise and practise mock tests more, so you become quick in solving the questions.


UPSC is not easy to crack but by taking the UPSC mock test Online continuously and practising it, you can ace the UPSC exam. We at Exampay, provide the best and most curricula focussed UPSC online Mock tests. Trust us and you will get the best.

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