Whether you are doing a job in your life or just want to spend some time by yourself. It’s already difficult. And now you want to achieve your goal of qualifying for the UPSC exams. When you have to manage your work and life along with preparing for the UPSC exam, it can be a lot more challenging. We understand that preparing for UPSC is already too hard and yet there is the job that you have to manage. If you try to manage both, you are losing your life. So, how to manage all three and yet be balanced in everything?
We at Exampay will solve all the problems of having a work-life balance. Let’s start.
Why is it important to balance studies and work?
Study and work generally compete with each other, and they both need your attention and thus become a super important part of life. When not balanced, this can lead to different mental problems and issues like anxiety or stress or even lead to worse conditions like depression and other sorts of mental problems. Your main goal is to excel in both these areas of life and achieve success in both. But how do you do that? Meanwhile, you also have to prepare even harder and do UPSC exam mock tests every day to perform the best in the main exam.

So, how to balance your UPSC exam preparation and your work?
1. Start with a flexible schedule
We at Exampay understand that conflicts will arise when you are trying to balance your UPSC exam study or work. You have to accept the fact that some things no matter what you do cannot be controlled, like your work time shifts or your class timings or extra classes, or UPSC online mock test preparation times. If you have the option of job sharing or other such practices, take help from that. If possible try to shift your classes to online classes, so that you can save time on traveling costs. Not only that if you are preparing for the bank PO exam preparation or railway RRB exam or SSC exam. You have to understand that, your schedule can change and new things can arise, which you have to handle first. Make a schedule but it can be flexible.
2. Organizing helps
Start organizing things in and around you. You have to create timetables and proper work schedules and proper study schedules to find the best use of your time. This can come in handy when you have to manage many things at once and you know where to devote your time and what to do next. Take advantage of online or physical calendars to plan everything. Color mark the dates and time schedules if possible to know what is a priority and what can be done later.
You also have to devote time to preparing for different mock tests. If you are preparing for different exams, like you are doing RRB mock tests, Bank PO mock tests, or SSC mock tests, you have to devote specific time to these tests too, so that you can be prepared for the main exam. Exampay mock tests are the best source of test preparation if you are looking for it.
3. Inform everybody about your busy schedule
Communication is highly important when you want to balance your study and work. Let the people around you and your workplace know that you have a very busy work life and study schedule. The people around you should know that. It will help them understand when they can reach you or contact you and when you are not available.
This type of communication can help you to set realistic expectations for everyone about your schedule. As a UPSC aspirant, you have to devote a large amount of time to studying and preparing for UPSC. Don’t hesitate to tell this schedule to everyone around you.
4. Be honest
You have to know your capacity and how you can use it properly and effectively. If you start putting too many things in your schedule, you will fail sooner or later. When we are not aware of our capacity to handle things, we fail in everything as we don’t know how to handle it all. Instead, try to take one thing at a time and slowly add another study subject to balance it out. Adding too much at once can cause an imbalance and you will miss your work or study. Preparing for UPSC also involves preparing for the main exam. Many students just study from books and do not prepare through the UPSC test series. We at Exampay highly recommend preparing Online UPSC mock tests
5. Take care of your health
When we are balancing so much, we generally forget the one thing that is the most important, our body. Are you eating the right way possible? Are you exercising and taking care of your body? When you are managing this much, you miss your basic eating habits and miss your meals. Try to add nutrition to your diet and eat more healthily.
6. Take care of stress
Mental stress is common when you are handling too many things. Exampay asks you to relax and breathe. Relaxing and breathing can help. Don’t forget about your sleep. Are you sleeping for adequate hours? Sleep is very important for UPSC test preparation. Sleep will help you to manage all the study work schedules whether you balance your job or for Bank PO exam or SSC exam or RRB exam or any other exam. Exampay can help you if you are preparing for these exams.
It’s highly important to balance work, life, and studying when you are preparing for the UPSC exam. When you balance your life and study with these tactics and tips we told you today, you will surely excel at your main UPSC examination.
Exampay says that when you practice these tips & you will be successful in the end and will win in your life and UPSC.